Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Did the Romans know more about the Nature of Concrete than we do?

Image: The concrete walls of Trajan’s Markets in Rome have stood the test of time and the elements for nearly 2,000 years.
Credit: Marie Jackson 
Source: sciencedaily.com: Back to future with Roman architectural concrete: Advanced light source reveals key to longevity of imperial Roman monuments
“The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory.”
~ Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, De architectura, ~ 15BCE.
Source: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Vitruvius
It’s never an easy idea to swallow: the ancients may have known things that we don’t. They were able to accomplish things which we can’t, despite all our knowledge and technology.

Actually, the idea that the ancients were superior to us in any way at all is a “crackpot notion” which is never acknowledged by present day “experts,” despite there being hundreds of observable phenomena and material achievements which defy all explanation by modern scholars.

Egypt is a great source of such enigmas. From the colossal—the Great Pyramid of Giza itself—to the small—onyx vessels with a tiny neck perfectly carved from a single stone, no one knows for sure how the Egyptians could manage various feats of engineering given the “consensus” view of what tools, materials and technology were available to them at the time.

The Roman civilization had its own secrets which scientists have only recently begun to decode. Among them, the incredible durability and longevity of Roman concrete.

From the Pantheon, Trajan’s Markets and the Colosseum to any number of incredible concrete structures throughout the ancient capitol and beyond, modern architectural engineers can only gaze in wonder and marvel at technology which has stood the test of time and the elements for almost two millennia.

Image: Gardiner Expressway versus Roman Concrete. 

And if you think the above comparison of Roman concrete to the Gardiner Expressway, consider that Marie Jackson, lead author of two papers on the subject, said “Roman concrete has remained coherent and well-consolidated for 2,000 years in aggressive maritime environments…It is one of the most durable construction materials on the planet, and that was no accident. Shipping was the lifeline of political, economic and military stability for the Roman Empire, so constructing harbors that would last was critical.” Source: http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2013/06/04/roman-concrete/

Well thanks to Jackson, a team of researchers and advanced imaging techniques, modern technology has a shot at redemption.

“Using the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), a research team from the University of California, Berkeley, examined the fine-scale structure of Roman concrete. It described for the first time how the extraordinarily stable compound – calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate (C-A-S-H) – binds the material used to build some of the most enduring structures in Western civilization.” Source: http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2013/06/04/roman-concrete/

Here’s an idea of what it looks like:

Image: This scanning electron microscope image shows crystals of a rare mineral, Al-tobermorite, magnified about 25,000 times. UC Berkeley researchers characterized Al-tobermorite in samples of Roman concrete. Credit: UC Berkeley 

According to researchers, manufacturing Roman concrete not only promises a more durable product; it’s more sustainable too: using far less heat energy than the standard Portland cement (the key ingredient in modern concrete) and leaves a much smaller carbon footprint.

At 19 billion tons, some estimates place the carbon emission contribution of Portland cement to be 7% of our overall carbon footprint. No small sum, given all other sources of atmospheric CO2.

At Genesis Eco Fund, we think there’s something more fundamental about this research, which is sadly lost on the researchers but significant.

 Image: Nikola Tesla’s assertion that crystals are alive.   
“Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation."
~ Nikola Tesla
Crystals are alive.

The descriptions provided about how Roman Concrete was produced—and that it was composed of mortar formulated from lime, volcanic ash and chunks of volcanic tuff and brick—indicate an aggregate which is alive versus the lifeless concrete of today.


“The mineralogical changes that Jackson and her collaborators observed showed the mortar reproduction gaining strength and toughness over 180 days as calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate (C-A-S-H) cementing binder coalesced and strätlingite crystals grew in interfacial zones between volcanic scoria and the mortar matrix. The toughening of these interfacial zones is reflected in the bridging crack morphology, which was measured by co-author Landis at the University of Maine, using computed tomography scans of the fractured mortar specimens. These experimental results correlate well with computations of increasing fracture energy determined by co-author Brune, now at Dupont Technologies. The strätlingite crystals show no corrosion and their smooth surfaces suggest long-term stability, similar to geological strätlingite that persists for hundreds of thousands of years.” Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141215185026.htm

In essence, the situ crystallization of the strätlingite crystals produces an interfacial microstructure which is superior to that of modern-day Portland cement, whose porosity is what gives rise to cracks and fractures.
In the end, it would seem the Romans knew something about the true nature of crystals and crystallization and its effects on the nature of concrete. 

The bottom line?

Given the climatic changes and geological challenges facing modern civilization, we would do well to continue looking into ancient methods and materials which have stood the test of time. More importantly, to expand our minds and embrace ancient philosophies related to the nature of things, philosophies which modern science is slowly discovering were really “natural philosophies” that is, the original name given to the study we know today as science.

Certainly, using living materials is the hallmark of any truly Advanced Civilization, and a requisite for Advanced Human Habitat.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

One Million Children in Meditation
Show us the Power of Ecosystems

Image by GenesisEcoFund: Flower of Life Blooms in Thailand: 1 Million Children Strong  
Credit: BBC Video  Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21016612

“The first goal is to get 10,000 students practising Transcendental Meditation in the U.S. to create a wave of peace in America that will be a catalyst for peace in the world…”
~ David Lynch 

A few weeks ago we wrote a blog asking What can the Ferguson Riots teach us About Ourselves and the Flower of Life? And while this was all well and good, today we offer an expansion on the subject of the flower of life, morphogenetic fields, the impact of collective energy and consciousness on our well being. This time, from what we hope will be a more positive example.

According to organisers of the V-Star Change the World project, their most recent event—which brings together schoolchildren for a day of meditation—was attended by one million children. The event was held at Phra Dhammakaya Buddhist temple near Bangkok, Thailand.

As the following BBC report states, the event has not been met without some controversy in the past, with critics claiming it to be everything from a publicity stunt to a cult. Nonetheless, the Temple believes bringing children together to meditate on masse can indeed change the world.

Video Screenshot & Link: 'One million children' join Buddhist meditation event

So what does a million children have to do with ecosystems?

As we previously explored in the aforementioned post about Ferguson MO, we each have an electromagnetic field which, when it is compounded with that of others, creates a more intense energy field.

We asked the question, “How is it that one person’s negative energy can interfere with the electromagnetic field of hundreds of people?”  The answer was “the flower of life,” an ancient symbol describing the interaction of electromagnetic fields in 3-dimensional space and the resulting phenomena of the morphogenetic field and the bizarre and/or violent behaviour of individuals caught up in “crowd mentality.”

The following video excerpt from Thrive shows how this happens:

Video: How electromagnetic fields (torus) compound each other to create powerful morphogenetic fields, shown in “the flower of life.”

Just as negatively-charged morphogenetic fields have a negative effect on individuals, positively charged ones will have a positive, beneficial effect.  

And it’s not just people who generate these fields. All living things have an electromagnetic field, even the planet itself (which is the source of the aurora borealis). In fact, the planet’s field is partly made up of the field of every living thing living on it. This is where the claim a million meditating children can change the world comes from…it’s literally true that a million beings resonating in harmony will have a positive harmonic effect on the whole.

Now imagine being a part of that resonance field…a field of harmony, peace, joy, happiness, and love? Innocence, intensely expressed, compounded.

We cannot orchestrate such events on a regular basis in our life. But what we can do is create a similar space of love where we live, work and heal using a high order rainforest ecosystem.

Image: An ecosystem 

Like one million meditating children, an ecosystem has the benefit of numbers. Though not in the millions, ecosystems work in the range of billions of organism—yes, billions…we cannot discount the existence of bacteria and other microbes whose function is paramount to collective harmony and symbiosis of the superorganism.

Ecosystems resonate with one shared frequency of balance and harmony. And, even moreso than children, ecosystems are innocent. They have no ego to speak of. This naturally cleansing environment is why people are so drawn to escape big cities and the collective consciousness of chaos of modern living to seek refuge out in nature. We need to surround and immerse ourselves in the energy which only nature can provide: pure, balancing, refreshing…truly alive.

Truly, we all stand to benefit from getting the flower of life to bloom in our lives.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What can the Ferguson Riots teach us About Ourselves and the Flower of Life?

Image: Rioters surround a Saint Louis County Police cruiser as the city of Ferguson and the whole U.S. reacts to a grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.
“Folk caught up in a riot aren't our cousins and sisters, our brothers and uncles. They are part of a big animal with many arms and claws, armed with stones and sticks.”
~ Tamora Pierce, Terrier
Yesterday’s decision by the grand jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown set of a firestorm of controversy and protest across the United States. In Ferguson itself, the anger and outrage intensified and the usual angry mob mentality was set loose on the town.

Riots, looting, burning police cars and businesses. It’s all over the news and the Internet. As is the outrage over the decision, discussions of racism and inequality, violence and acceptable use of force, law enforcement the reasonable expectations placed on officers facing possible harm, etc.

Genesis Eco Fund is not here to debate any of those issues. We leave that to the masses and the pundits. What we are here to do is extract practical knowledge that everyone can use—knowledge about ourselves, each other, how we interrelate on a fundamental level, and how our awareness of those foundational interrelationships can lead to strategies for living a more balanced, harmonious life.

In the Eye of the Storm

We all know what it’s like to “get caught up in” the moment. Be it at a rock concert, a party, a family gathering, or any group dynamic, we’ve felt ourselves “sucked into” as state of elation, excitement, laughter, anger (or even rage), fear, sadness or any number of emotional states.

If our emotional state resulted in us behaving in a certain way which we later regretted, we might even have chalked is up as “in the heat of the moment,” or “a victim of mob mentality.” But what was really going on with us? Truly, we were caught in a maelstrom of energy.   

Image: In the eye of the storm: Electromagnetic Field Vortex 

Recent research has shown the energy field of the heart, our emotional centre, to be 100,000 times stronger electrically and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than that of the brain, or intellectual centre.

Physics demonstrates that a change in our electromagnetic field causes transformation at the atomic level. Our electromagnetic field reflects our emotional state; and, the state of others’ electromagnetic fields can affect our electromagnetic field…affect our state.

Video: Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence and how electromagnetic fields generated by the heart (emotional energy fields) interact.

If we observe ourselves during moments of emotional confrontation with another, we can actually feel ourselves affected, influenced by their state, as shown in the above excellent video by the Institute of HeartMath. The more sensitive we are, the more likely it is we will be affected.

Quite simply, we are experiencing interference patterns from a “negatively charged” electromagnetic field. The flow of energy is of a certain frequency reflecting the emotional state of one individual interferes with the frequency of another and thus emotional state of another. Pretty simple, really, and something anyone can observe and experience directly, consciously, if they pay attention.

Image: Interface between electromagnetic fields. 

But this still doesn’t explain mob mentality. After all, are we not still all individuals? How is it that one person’s negative energy can interfere with the electromagnetic field of hundreds of people? The answer is simple, and something known to humans thousands of years ago, expressed in the symbol of the flower of life.

Video: How electromagnetic fields (torus) compound each other to create powerful morphogenetic fields, shown in “the flower of life.” 

In the above video taken from the documentary film Thrive, we see how torus, the shape of our electromagnetic field, compound one another in 3-dimensional space to produce a larger morphogenetic field magnitudes larger and more powerful than the electromagnetic field of any individual. Any new individual entering the larger field is affected by the state of the field, which in turn reflects the state of all individuals within it. The cascading effect from one individual to another compounds and the whole larger field begins to exert a tremendous power over the individuals caught within it.

This is why, for instance, completely law-abiding citizens can find themselves committing crimes in a mob they would never have done as an individual. The overarching electromagnetic field has them; their individual emotional state is being defined by the morphogenetic field.

This is how the planet’s electromagnetic field is partly created. All things which have an electromagnetic field are part of the megaorgansim of the planet. Its various ecosystems being superorganisms, themselves having morphogenetic fields made up of electromagnetic fields of individual organisms.

Image: Electromagnetic field of the planet 

The Good News from Ferguson

What’s true for riots fed by anger, frustration, hear, rage and other negative emotions, is equally true for peace, love, compassion, empathy, harmony and other positive emotions.

What’s more, anyone who has spent any time in nature knows this is the case. When we immerse ourselves in the morphogenetic field of a beautiful natural environment, we feel, immediately, the calming, soothing, peaceful, harmonious, loving state of that natural environment.

The power of nature to heal us emotionally and physically is related directly to this energetic influence over our electromagnetic field. Our field may be charged negatively, according to our state, but an ecosystem functions on collective harmony and symbiosis. Nature is love.

And so, indoor ecosystems, like those produced by PeapodLife, create spaces of love.

Image: An ecosystem 

Ecosystems are never negatively charged, unless they are dying.  But ecosystems are designed for sustainability, adaptability and longevity. It takes a shift in the larger electromagnetic field of the planet for an ecosystem to die—the ravages of human stupidity notwithstanding.

Regardless, one can see how beneficial it would be to have such an overarching positively charged morphogenetic field in one’s life—home, workplace, school, healing centre, etc.

Imagine what it would be like to be able to feel the same way you do when you go up north, camping, skiing, or to a tropical paradise…without having to go anywhere? Imagine the benefits to humanity if they began living in Advanced Human Habitat—advanced habitat for humans; habitat for advanced humans.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Easily Climate Change
is Lost on “Rational People”

Image: “Red Tide” The production and distribution of carbon dioxide has never looked so beautiful -- or so disturbing. 
Video Screenshot by Michael Francco/CNET 

Today I saw and re-posted a NASA video showing a year in the life of the planet’s carbon dioxide concentration, movement, etc. I didn’t say anything about it…just re-posted it because I thought it was interesting and telling. See for yourself:

Video: NASA | A Year in the Life of Eaeth’s CO2 

No sooner did I post this video to my timeline, than a friend of mine chimed in with how “deceptive” the video was because map projections of this kind are distorted.

Image: A Miller cylindrical projection maps the globe onto a cylinder.   
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map_projection

He then posted this image of a Goode homolosine projection overlaid on top of NASA’s map to show just how significant the distortion (and deception) was:

Image: More accurate map of the world overlaid NASA’s CO2 map

This is the kind of knee-jerk intellectual reaction which damns the whole global warming movement (and other long-range environmental, economic and socio-political threats), on the basis of distorted or deceptive messaging, as if the choice of map was made to specifically make global warming seem worse (and not the simple reason that such digital projections are able to show movement around the globe.

Okay, in all fairness maybe NASA should have used a Mollweide projection:

Image: Sea-surface freon levels measured by the Global Ocean Data Analysis Project. Projected using the Mollweide projection.

But from the perspective of anyone “on the fence” of climate change, what was probably just an arbitrary decision / choice based on available technology, satellite imagery, or software interpolation, becomes an instant conspiracy theory that potentially calls into question the whole problem of climate change! And of course, their mind quickly and easily pieces together that perfectly rational explanation.

In response to all this hoopla about distorted maps and secret NASA agendas to overblow the climate change issue, I posted the following image in response, with the explanation that atmospheric carbon is NOT the whole picture. The oceans are acting as a giant carbon sink, and the effect it is having on corals (the nurseries, incubators and hatcheries of the ocean food chain...OUR seafood chain) is absolutely DEVASTATING.

Image: “Ocean acidification is a reduction in surface ocean pH levels due to the increasing absorption of carbon dioxide. When CO2 dissolves in water, carbonic acid is formed. The saturation of carbonic acid decreases the ability of many marine organisms to build and maintain their shells and skeletal structures.” Source: http://ecocidealert.com/?tag=ocean-acidification

My point being this: THE MORE RED ON NASA’S MAP, THE BETTER!

To this, my friend replied that while my “desire for action is to be commended, it should not be built on deception.”

And this is how easy it is for the ego-intellect to dismiss anything. We see it all the time. Materialist scientists denying metaphysical phenomenon because there is no physical evidence to support it; doctors dismissing entire bodies of research because they do not value “anecdotal evidence;” Judges throwing out cases because someone forgot to “dot an i” or “cross a t” etc.

This tendency to dismiss that which doesn’t match exactly, or discounting the deeper broader essence of a situation based on some minor technical detail is called “A-Type” thinking by some, “perfectionism” by others, but at its core it’s obsession with accuracy… with “the facts” and “exactitude”…with “being right.” This obsession of ego-intellect is akin to a computer’s inability to surmise what a user wants it to do. Unless you know EXACTLY what buttons to push, when to push them, etc. you are stuck. Why? BECAUSE IT IS A DUMB MACHINE.

Wait a minute…do we sense a contradiction here?  Yes SENSE…feel…you know, those things that make us human?

How is it that the intellect most resembles a stupid machine when most asserts its “correctness?” The contradiction is real; is absolute. One cannot deny the inflexible mind is more machine-like in its processing. After all, like a machine, it can only “accept” inputs which “compute.”

Is this the path to deepening our connection with humanity? What about our connection with nature?

As my friend’s reaction to NASA’s video illustrated, his mind jumped to the inaccuracy of the map, and therefore loss of credibility of the information, questioning the reality of the situation being illustrated, etc. In short, the plight of the planet was “trumped” by the need for “accurate” depiction of said plight.

But humans exaggerate EVERYTHING. It’s called DRAMATIC EFFECT. We not only tell stories, we live them. And the reason we use drama, hyperbole, metaphor, symbolism, allegory, etc. is to put emphasis where it is needed…ON THE POINT…and to penetrate the machinations of ego-mind and try to reach their CONSCIENCE…their HEART.

To have an enhanced connection with humanity or nature requires something a computer or machine completely lacks…CONSCIOUSNESS. And, by the fact of observation, so too does ego-intellect completely lack consciousness. Conscience. We know this because of its obsession with correctness, with being right, and its limitations of understanding only those inputs which “compute,” exactly as a computer…which was made in the image of ego-intellect. Binary thinking: right or wrong, black or white, yes or no, us or them, on or off…1/0.

I’ll close today’s article with another video. I am curious what my friend would have to say about the subject matter and whether or not the cause being discussed is deceptive or not.

Video: ฉันไม่เคยรู้มาก่อน - มูลนิธิเพื่อสุนัขในซอย ( Soi Dog Foundation ) 

The bottom line is this: the point, the essence of life DOES NOT EXIST IN THE MIND…it is not an equation, or a computer program, or something which the intellect can put in a box and say “this is it to the exclusion of everything else.” The essence of nature, of humanity, is in a space the intellect cannot understand, but the consciousness can comprehend. It is this space that gives rise to beauty, compassion, love, altruism, generosity and all the good aspects of humanity…all the faculties completely at odds with the self-interested machinations of ego-intellect.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Consumer Product Companies:
Charmingly Fresh or Naturally Deceptive?

“The art of pleasing is the art of deception.”
~ Luc de Clapiers
“The art of pleasing is the art of deception.”
~ Luc de Clapiers

The issue of product labelling is not a new one. Packaged goods companies have resisted the use of honest straightforward language in advertising and on product labels for decades.

The whole controversy around GMO labelling of products is the episode of the legal language merry-go-round. And it’s not our intention to get into that debate here. Rather, we want to focus on some of the more “benign” and sneaky uses of language which permeate the consumer landscape.

The above video shows just how clever and slippery companies are about the use of terms which have very specific definitions. Without being redundant, it’s our belief that companies using the term “fresh” this loosely to describe their products are far from being endearingly “fresh” (as in when a man or woman is being forward, flirtatious or bold).

There’s another favourite catch-all word for marketers: “natural,” “all natural,” “naturally,” etc. Combined with beautiful graphics of plants, animals, landscapes, water and of course the ubiquitous colour “GREEN,” the result is a plethora of products with lousy labels.

So pervasive is the practice of misleading or outright deceptive marketing, advertising and packaging of so-called “environmentally, wholesome, holistic” products that a whole new term was coined to describe the practice: GREENWASHING.

Image: What would Andy Warhol say about Campbell’s Greenwashed Soup?

Why do they do it? Why do companies insist on misleading and deceptive labelling, especially when it comes to trying to improve the impression of their product as fresh, natural, healthy, eco-friendly, etc? Is it possible that they’re just naturally deceptive…but downright pathological?

Video: THE CORPORATION [6/23] The Pathology of Commerce

We’ll leave the ultimate judgment in your hands. But judge wisely…with your dollar and your voice. Otherwise, the power will naturally remain in the hands of the pathologically deceptive.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Can Plants Think, Talk, Read your Mind?
Evidence for Plant Consciousness Mounts

Image: Still Frame from “Little Shop of Horrors” 

“I just come and talk to the plants, really – very important to talk to them. They respond.”
~ Prince Charles

The Prince of Wales took some flak from his critics for that comment back in 1986. When asked again recently if he still spoke to planets, joked in a self-deprecating way, “No, now I instruct them instead.”   

But how strange, really, is the notion that plants are sentient beings capable of awareness and interaction which is more akin to its higher-order cousins (animals and humans)?

There is mounting evidence that plants have such capacities—albeit in rudimentary forms. We won’t spend time recounting the same info, we’ll give you links and you can read it for yourself.

From The Economist article on the question to The Epoch Times blog(s) on the subject, and many other sources online in between, a growing debate on the question of plant sentience among “serious” scientists is reason enough to stand up and take notice. 

The challenge materialist scientists face is not so much proving or disproving the phenomenon exists; but rather, explaining how/why it should exist. Materialist science has this challenge precisely due to its own limits: materialism.

The fact that plants have no brain or central nervous system puts “serious scientists” into a bit of a quandary. Yes, they can come up with alternative theories, chemical processes and point to alternative bio-electrical pathways in plants. But that’s precisely the point: they assume that the brain and central nervous system (or corollary bio-chemical-electric network in plants) is the origin of consciousness.

Pardon the analogy, but this is like saying the Internet produces what it outputs.

A reasonable person observing only the Internet in isolation—that is, the technology alone—could easily come to such a conclusion. Electrical signals whizzing about this vast network of interconnected nodes. It’s obvious, is it not? The Internet is sentient in and of itself and reacts to the events of the world around it via technology. This is what is commonly referred to as the ghost in the machine.

Image: “Ghost in the Machine” 

But those who know the truth about the Internet know that remove humans from the situation and what you get is a big, hulking mass of cables, circuit boards, screens and keyboards…dead tech.

The activity is dependent on CONSCIOUSNESS.  In this case, the consciousness of the humanity who designed, built and use the technology. Even if that consciousness is mostly bottled-up inside ego (cravings for and aversions to all manner of conceivable and inconceivable things reaching into the highest heights of conscious human awareness to the darkest depths of subconscious desire and depravity).

Sure your iPhone6 will give the appearance of sentience. Complete with a name (Siri) and lots of autonomous activity. But without an operator, it’s just a fancy little box with blinky lights and nifty sounds. That complex device was designed and constructed according to a template, and is an expression of the human mind.

Working backwards, then, how is the human brain any different than the iPhone6 or the Internet? We can observe lots of activity, and we can see it accept inputs and produce outputs. Thanks to EEG, MRI and other imaging technology we can see it very active during thinking, dreaming, meditation, etc. But is this evidence that it is the origin of it all?

If you sent a “bot” into the Internet which was incapable of detecting anything but its own nature—digital technology—it would be completely blind to the biological organisms that are truly behind and at the heart of the Internet, yes? It could explore the whole of the Internet as part of the digital paradigm and be completely blind to the underlying biological creators of the Network, despite the “signature” of those strange biological creatures all over the place…the digital representation of them.

Likewise, if one identifies solely with the material paradigm and “reason” (which is the intellectual paradigm on which artificial intelligence is based), one becomes blind to the underlying paradigm on which physical reality is based.

That underlying paradigm is energy and consciousness. Now, even physics (quantum mechanics in particular) recognizes that matter as such doesn’t exist. The fact that the observer effect has direct consequences on certain quantum experiments is reason enough to begin questioning the underlying “metaparadigm” of materialist science…the unquestioned underlying assumption that the physical universe is primary.

This question is explored in the excellent talk by Peter Russell called The Primacy of Consciousness.

Video: The Primacy of Consciousness - Peter Russell - Full Version
Source: YouTube: http://youtu.be/-d4ugppcRUE

The erroneous assumptions established by the metaparadigm of material science (that the material universe is primary and all phenomena stem from the foundation of the material) lock science into the problems of the scientific method: of concocting elaborate theories and then hunting for physical explanations which support said theories. As if material evidence is the only—and ultimate—arbiter of what is real and what is not.

Still, there is no reasonable scientific, economic, physical explanation for altruism and love…self-sacrifice, for instance. The many values we hold most dear fly in the face of all manner of logical argument, when reduced to that most “ultimate” arbiter…materialism. Materialism and love are incompatible, fundamentally, and so science simply ignores the latter in favour of its foundational metaparadigm.

Why? Were the metaparadigm proven—somehow—to be incorrect, the very foundations of the scientific community would be shaken, and much of what we hold true today would simply collapse like a deck of cards.

And that day is coming.

The real question we should be asking is this: what sense does it make to construct a universe where consciousness is an emergent phenomenon reserved for certain beings but not others? Does it not make more sense to design a universe on a common platform using a similar paradigm at all levels? Just as we constructed the Internet?

So here the atheists chime in with their evolution versus creationism argument. Sorry, it doesn’t hold up in this case.

Evolution is a theory, and while it is true that organisms change over time, no one has ever witnessed the birth of a new organism by means of natural selection. But all that aside, there’s an even greater reason why it doesn’t hold up in this case.

In the context of the present discussion, all life is bound by the same fundamental matrix with DNA at its very biological heart. Be it single-celled organisms to multi-cellular organisms to multi-individual super-organisms (ecosystems) to the planet itself, life follows repeating shapes and patterns at all levels. This happens on the physical as well as metaphysical planes. Truth be told, biology’s definition of “life as we know it” is far too narrow.

The sooner materialist science recognizes this, the sooner scientists will not only talk to plants, they will LISTEN. And REAL science can “emerge”…and the REAL magic can begin.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Scientist Agrees: Exploration is Key to Knowing Ourselves

Image Collage by Genesis: Temple of Apollo in Delphi; Earth Rise
“Man know thyself and thus thou shall know the universe and the gods.”
~ Engraved on the Entrance to the Temple of Apollo, in Delphi, Ancient Greece
If ever there was an impassioned, mainstream, contemporary SECULAR plea in harmony with the voices of great philosophers whispering to us from the annals of Ancient times, Neil deGrasse Tyson makes it in the following video about the effects of the Apollo space mission on the American psyche and the corollary effects of NASA budget cuts since the pinnacle of NASA’s achievement: the lunar landings.

Video: We Stopped Dreaming (Episode 2) - A New Perspective

Is it coincidence or serendipity that this most influential, world-changing, consciousness-awakening event was named after the same Greek god, Apollo, who’s Temple in Delphi, Greece proclaims Homo nosce te ipsum… “Man know thyself and thou shall know the universe and the gods.”

In the contemporary manifestation of Apollo, the corollary seems to have been true: man know a bit of the heavens, and you will know yourself a bit better.

Tyson’s list of emergent entities following the Apollo missions is telling. They also spawned a huge pop-culture swing toward “science-based” science fiction. Star Trek and 2001: A Space Odyssey are probably the best examples. Star Trek would go on to have a huge influence on the development of many of the technologies we take for granted today.

Image Collage: “Make it So! A Handful of Innovations attributable to Star Trek

Mr. Tyson has no illusions about why we went to the moon in the first place. Here he outlines how it was the climate of the Cold War, the threat of the Russians putting ballistic missiles in orbit or on the surface of the moon that put fire under the seats of power of U.S. leaders.

Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaming (Episode 1)

However, if Mr. Tyson believes this was the ONLY “perceived threat” and the ONLY “pretext” for the Apollo mission, well, he has ignored the not-so-mainstream narrative which really began in Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947.

Whether you believe in the UFOs phenomenon or not, it makes just as much sense to us that a paranoid government launching an aggressive space program fearing space superiority by  a foreign power, would be just as likely to consider the possibility of extra-terrestrial threats in its strategy.

Of course, once they discovered that extra-terrestrials pose no threat whatsoever, and that that the existential threat from a Russian space program was non-existent, NASA’s mission switched to one of payload delivery (of military, weather and communications satellites)…and the space shuttle program was born: the first reusable manned spacecraft. Most recently, the top-secret X-37B space drone, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California after almost two years in orbit.
“Just what the plane was doing has been the subject of sometimes spectacular speculation. Several experts have theorized it carried a payload of spy gear in its cargo bay.”
Source: MailOnline
Image: Space Shuttle & X-37B: Different Spacecraft for Different Approaches to Orbital Space Missions 
Sources: http://www.bhmpics.com/view-space_shuttle_mission-other.htmlhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2797493/Top-secret-space-plane-lands-California-coast.html

Exploration of the Consciousness

As passionate and admirable as Mr. Tyson’s plea is—to embrace the spirit of science, exploration, and the deeply-rooted longing for all beings to know themselves in the most fundamental and profound way—he  is missing a piece of the puzzle.

The reason that NASA’s budget was cut so radically because of the costs and limitations of physical human space travel. Certainly, it is conceivable that with a big enough budget we could develop the technologies to allow us to travel to the furthest reaches of the solar system. But beyond that?

Even at the speed of light, interstellar space travel is simply not practical, bound by the laws of physics. Besides, didn’t all the organizations spawned by the Apollo missions illuminate us as to how we don’t yet have our own house in order?

Do we really think the intergalactic fraternity is going to welcome with open arms a humanity which is as degenerated and barbaric as ours? Preoccupied with such frivolous obsessions as material fortune, fame, power, accolades, legacies, sexual exploits? 

Let us not forget the most important idea Star Trek gave humanity:
“…the Prime Directive is the guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive, used in four out of five Star Trek-based series, prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations.”

Specifically, the Prime Directive forbids open contact with pre-warp humanities. Planets which have not yet developed dimensional travel, and cannot exceed the speed of light, are not ready to join the intergalactic fraternity of humanities.

We are not ready. And, we won’t be ready so long as our space program is motivated by fear, military interests, economic interests, or any other ego-based considerations…no matter how much money we throw at it.

In other words, to know the heavens, we must first know ourselves. Yes, the Greeks were right. But take heart! The best news is that if one does educate oneself on the true science (non-materialist science) of the consciousness, one can travel anywhere in the universe.

Awakened consciousness and the development of the subtle vehicles of the human being—the solar vital, astral, mental and causal bodies—allows one to escape the limits of physical plane and travel and explore the fourth, fifth, sixth dimension and beyond. Awakened consciousness is a passport to the interior worlds, allowing us to visit any place in the universe; or any place on earth for that matter.

Image: Astral Travel 

Ecosystems can help us awaken.

Developing a conscious relationship with nature’s highest physical expression, we cross over to nature’s non-physical foundation. We can begin exploring our oneness with the harmony of the ecosystem, and recognize the illusion of the ego, of physical reality, and the total waste of time, energy, effort, and consciousness which the ego is—and all our material pursuits are.

Through meditation and other practices of pure science—conscious science, not limited by materialist scientific dogma—each individual can become an intrepid explorer for themselves…of themselves…of the “heavens” and yes, know the “gods,” beginning with their own Innermost Highest Self. The True Self.

And the best part is? An ecosystem may set you back some cash, it’s true. But nowhere near as much as a vain attempt at a materialist scientific space program. And, truth be told, if you don’t have the funds for an indoor ecosystem; you can spend time in nature and do it on the cheap.

To be a traveler, explorer, and true scientist of our multi-dimensional universe, COSTS NO MONEY AT ALL. Just time, patience, diligence, and effort.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If at first you don’t Suck-Seed, MODIFY THE CHILDREN
The GMO Industry’s “Next Generation” Propaganda

Video: Bill Nye Sells a Whole New Generation on GMO’s
“If you set aside for a moment from the usual debate about whether GMOs are bad or good, a curious fact emerges. For a rich and powerful [industry] that seems to excel at nearly everything it does, [GMO companies] suck in one important aspect: spin control.”
Clearly, the GMO industry has a PR problem. A growing number of people are expressing real concerns about the safety of “frankenfoods,” not just in terms of health, but also the environment.

Genetically engineered organisms are NEW SPECIES, unlike anything the world has seen before. And let’s face it: we human beings are caught between two insanely irrational psychological bents…
  • FEAR ANYTHING’S THAT’S NEW on the one hand, and

With GMO’s there are real concerns. These concerns have been well documented and voiced by many groups and individuals—including prominent scientists, biologists, bio-ethicists, and geneticists—David Suzuki among them.

So while the GMO industry keeps advancing, pushed by soaring profits (and they would say “the global demands on industrial agricultural food production”), they are feeling the pinch in terms of public opinion. Not only are GMO’s banned in many countries, the demand for GMO labelling of food products is gaining ground in many jurisdictions. 

“What to do!? Never fear! Bill Nye is on the case! (Suck our GE eggs, Suzuki!)” – GMO lobby.

When you’re losing battle on one front—consumer population and regulators—why not launch a flanking maneuver on a whole new WEAKER FRONT? “If we can’t convince THIS generation of the safety and reliability of GE organisms, why not get at the NEXT generation, while they’re still vulnerable?”

Psychologically Modified Offspring (PMO’s)

Children are naïve and impressionable, right? Kids will believe practically anything they’re told by authority figures, teachers, and the people who they watch all the time…personalities TV they admire, find smart and amusing, look up to and like to watch. TV personalities like BILL NYE.

But hold on! There’s a catch. Children have been growing up WAY TOO FAST in recent years. The double-edged sword of this is while they make for ravenous consumers and impressive “influencers” for adult purchases (expert naggers), they also are much better informed on issues than ever before! 

Video: Rachel Parent proves children are not so gullible

So, it’s not enough for Bill Nye to come out with gloves swinging outright against the fear-mongering camp. He can’t just come right out all “rah-rah” for the GMO lobby. It has to be MORE SUBTLE. After all, their kids…the industry has YEARS to propagate subtle, suggestive hints buried in superficially “balanced” reporting on the science and safety of GMO. 

Consider the opening video to today’s article. Nye begins by expounding on how we’ve been tinkering with agriculture for centuries, and why agricultural organisms are not really “natural” anyway.

At 3:35, thrusting a pair of papayas toward the camera like a prize fighter, he asks, “Is it GOOD versus EVIL? Or is it another step in the march of industrial agricultural progress?

Again, this rhetorical question implies that the whole GE issue is NOT really an issue at all! There’s no “right or wrong” here, there’s just the inevitable step forward in human progress.

This is followed by the classic argument for GMO’s (that the farmers of GMO crops don’t have to use as much pesticide, and their crops are practically chemical free). This turns out to be flat-out WRONG. (Sorry, papaya-man). 

A study by Food & Water Watch found that the promise of less herbicide use has not come to fruition. Based on USDA and EPA data, the study echoed the findings of a similar study by Washington State University conducted by Professor Charles Benbrook.

Image: Increase in herbicide use since introduction of GMO crops.

According to these studies, the problem appears to be the emergence of “superweeds,” which appear with repeated application of a pesticide which selects for chemical-resistant weeds. To what end?

“This has meant huge profits for agribusinesses developing and selling genetically engineered seeds, herbicides and pesticides.  Seed revenues have septupled (increased seven fold) since 1998.”

Quote & Image: Revenues from GE Seed Grows like Weeds.

Ah-ha. Now we see the sparkle in “Nye’s Eye.”

Keep in mind that Bill Nye is AN EXPERT at communicating to children. He does it for a living. He is wildly popular in his ability to explain complex scientific concepts to young kids. He’s wacky, zany, loveable, charming…the makings of a very powerful influencer.

This is propaganda on a very large yet very subtle and seemingly “harmless” scale. There may be some of you saying, “C’mon! This is the least of our worries! What with ISIL, EBOLA, the economy, THE RUSSIANS!”

Well, just remember how the illusionist is able to perform his tricks right before our eyes without us knowing it.

If you care about your children and their future, and want to expose them to science programming on the TV, you’ll turn off Bill Nye and let your children watch David Suzuki instead. Too bad our American Neighbours to the south don’t have that alternative.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

“Smarty Plants” & the Roots of Plant Intelligence

“We think the Sagebrush are basically eavesdropping on one another.”
~Rick Karban, U.C. Davis Ecologist
Source: The New Yorker – The Intelligent Plant

A few weeks ago, PeapodLife posted a blog entitled Do Plants Hold the Secrets to Consciousness? . Today, we offer a good deal more dramatic evidence that plants not only behave, it is quite possible they have complex behaviour and even intelligence.

Genesis Eco Fund also wrote on the topic of plant communication as it relates to ecosystems back in July: Do Trees Communicate? Ecosystems & the Communication of Plants.

Mainstream materialist science has no choice but to accept plants are not the passive organisms it assumed them to be. And while many still dismiss the notion of plant intelligence, others are embracing a different view.

Probably the most well-known of these is Stefano Mancuso, Plant Neurobiologist. Here is his TED Talk from 2010:

Video: TED Talk - Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence 

Listening to the passion of his presentation, one can easily comprehend why Mancuso is the Co-Founder of LINV - International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology.

Plant Neurobiology? Plant Neurobiologist? But plants don’t have a brain. “If you are a plant, having a brain is not an advantage,” Mancuso says. And yet, he has dedicated his life to the pursuit of plant intelligence. Source: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/12/23/the-intelligent-plant

There is certainly much more which could be said on this topic.

For starters, the conversation must invariably and inevitably move from the question of individual plant intelligence, or indeed, plant and animal intelligence, to one of ecosystem intelligence. That is, the ability for the superorganism to exhibit behaviours which show intelligence.

And certainly, in the view of Genesis, the conversation must (and will) eventually migrate from the question of intelligence, to the issue of consciousness and the discussion of what these two terms describe and how they differ from one another.

But today, we think we’ll just share some more videos demonstrating that something is indeed going on with plants, and it’s a secret world that we’re only just beginning to explore in any meaningful way.

Video Link: Mind of Plants: Documentary on The Intelligence of Plants, produced by Gédéon Programmes, K Production, ARTE

Video Link: Nature: What Plants Talk About – Documentary

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why “Education” Gets a Failing Grade;
Ecosystems Encourage “Growth Mindset”

Image: The Teacher from “The Wall”
We don't need no education
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
Video: Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall, Part Two (Official Music Video)
Source: YouTube: http://youtu.be/HrxX9TBj2zY

How little has changed in 35 years.

Oh, we know: the educators will cry foul at a statement like that. But the truth hurts sometimes. And that’s the point of today’s blog. To truly get better, one better get used to the idea of failure.

Real learning comes by way of trial and error, exploration, discovery and—effectively—self-learning. But our education system—and indeed culture—worships “success” and fails to recognize the immense importance failure plays not only in the learning process, but in personal growth, all manner of progress and evolution itself!

Allow us to change the dark tone to a more positive one by way of sharing a video from Khan Academy.

Video: You Can Learn Anything 
Credit: Khan Academy

Salman Khan started the not-for-profit Khan Academy on his earnest beliefs that:
  1. Anyone can learn anything—evidenced by so-called neuroplasticity of the brain.
  2. Everyone should have free access to learn anything—why his online academy is 100% free.
  3. Failure should be celebrated and efforts rewarded—in the struggle to succeed one will naturally and inevitably face failure, and that’s a good thing since failure teaches us more than success.

In a recent blog post, Salman Kahn describes a heartwarming story of his son reading a story out loud, struggling for over a minute before finally pronouncing the word “gratefully.”
“He then said, ‘Dad, aren’t you glad how I struggled with that word? I think I could feel my brain growing.’ I smiled: my son was now verbalizing the tell¬-tale signs of a ‘growth¬ mindset.’…I decided to praise my son not when he succeeded at things he was already good at, but when he persevered with things that he found difficult. I stressed to him that by struggling, your brain grows. Between the deep body of research on the field of learning mindsets and this personal experience with my son, I am more convinced than ever that mindsets toward learning could matter more than anything else we teach.”
~ Salman Kahn
Brilliant. Finally, decades since the release of The Wall, educators are coming around to the conclusion that their job is about teaching how to think not what to think.  To create a learning mindset: immersing children in a culture of trial and error, where failure and success receive equal billing; children are rewarded for overcoming obstacles, not for succeeding at tasks that came relatively easy to them. Can calls this the “growth mindset.”

Of course, the challenge is we live in a culture which lives in a “fixed mindset.” Not only does society tell us what to think, how to feel, what we need to be, buy and/or experience to be happy, etc. Our culture also glorifies success. We are inundated with advertising, game shows, reality TV contests, films, newscasts, sports stars, celebrities and “success stories” of all kinds proclaiming “the glory of victory” and “the agony of defeat.”

More than anything else, our culture worships “celebrity”—sports stars, actors, billionaires, royal couples, religious icons, even mobsters and famous criminals like Bonnie and Clyde. This tendency to embrace a “cult of personality” suggests our conditioned belief that talent (such as intelligence) is fixed—something we are born with, in our genes, etc.—for the masses to celebrate (and envy). 

In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell turns the ideas of innate intelligence and ambition—“born talent”—on its head. He argues that environmental factors and one’s attitude to achieving success through constant struggle and effort are paramount to success.

Image: Outliers Cover 
Credit: Malcolm Gladwell, Penguin Books Australia

In said book, he coins the phrase “the 10,000 hour rule,” implying that mastery emerges only after thousands of hours of efforts, failures and renewed efforts.

In fact, one “superstar athlete” Gladwell mentions in his book would like to take a minute to go on record and apologize if he added to the mass contemporary cultural delusion which forgot the old adage, “success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.”

Video: Michael Jordan 'Maybe It's My Fault' Commercial
Source: YouTube: http://youtu.be/9zSVu76AX3I

Controversial as Gladwell’s argument and Kahn’s “growth mindset” may be to those entrenched in their fixed mindsets and established worldviews, one cannot argue Michael Jordan’s first-hand experience, nor the fact that we are products of our environment. Even the recent science of epigenetics indicates that genetics are not “fixed”—that environmental factors can turn certain genes on and off.

Finally, we come to evolution and nature itself. In nature, nothing is fixed. We recommend watching the videos posted on PeapodLife’s Blog Article: Meditations in Motion, Living Ecosystems Give Life to see the significance of that statement.

Evolution is both success and failure. We recently coined the phrase, survival of the most fitting, in response to Darwin’s erroneous conclusion that evolution came down to survival of the fittest. The fact is that the environment of the ecosystem is an intelligent growth environment. Like the growth mindset described by Khan, it gives equal billing to success and failure.

What we know for certain is that evolution takes time. Ecosystems are patient; far more patient than individual organisms. Nature tests…nature experiments…nature explores…nature discovers and surprises itself.

Nature is not just always about ripping the throats out of prey, chasing off competitors, etc.  Evolution tries new directions with new species, and abandons species which longer serve the “superorganisms”—ecosystems, biosphere. Ecosystems function on collective harmony and symbiosis. Darwin’s model would turn nature into nothing more than a bleak free-for all and terrible chaotic anarchy.

Perhaps it’s no wonder that our world, fixated as it is on “fixed mindsets,” on success, on glorifying and rewarding winning while denouncing and punishing failure, on competitiveness and “survival of the fittest” is looking more and more like a bloody mess. And why, all too often, has degenerated and degraded into scenes right out of Pink Floyd’s legendary Rock Opera.

So here we’ve come full circle and wound up back in the dark, cold classroom of that rock and roll hell. Before we sign off, let’s do so on a positive note about the growth mentality, and receive some valuable advice and a hearty “Thumbs Up for Rock and Roll!” by a true expert on learning, and what it means to succeed.

Video: Thumbs Up for Rock and Roll! 
Source: YouTube: http://youtu.be/eaIvk1cSyG8